Today we visit with a fascinating retiree, James Dorsey, and learn about his amazing experiences since retiring from UPS. How about visiting a nomadic tribe in the Middle East? Or maybe kayaking with whales off the Baja Coast? If adventures like these interest you, you will love this episode! James, the whales are calling me!
Show Notes
00:41 A life lesson from Curt's book Fix the Problem and Other Life Lessons from a Pragmatic Dad. You can get this book here: https://www.amazon.com/Fix-Problem-other-Lessons-Pragmatic/dp/1091400830/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=Â
03:51 James tells us how his adventures in retirement started and how he became interested in his new retirement hobbies.
04:49 How do you become a certified Naturalist? Find out one way here: https://www.environmentalscience.org/career/naturalist
05:51 Orca Whales facts found here: https://us.whales.org/whales-dolphins/facts-about-orcas/
07:05 James talks about his whale experiences here. James has 27 years of Gray Whale experiences under his belt. Now he leads trips to see them on their migration. Get more information about these beautiful mammals here: https://www.oceanicsociety.org/resources/the-gray-whale-migration-in-california-and-beyond/
08:01 Where does James go to experience the whales? He talks about that here: https://bajaex.com/destinations/san-ignacio-lagoon-gray-whales/
09:17 When can you see the Gray Whales? James tells us those months here.
10:41 Learn more about Gray Whale watching trips at Baja Ecotours here: https://www.bajaecotours.com/
11:25 James tells us about his travels to Africa and the Middle East and the Indigenous people he has met and studied.
11:54 Information on The Explorers Club found here: https://www.explorers.org/
Information abou The Adventurers Club in Los Angeles found here: https://www.adventurersclub.org/about-the-club/
12:55 James tells us about his experiences in places few have visited.
17:12 James has written three books about his experiences. You can find them here:
23:55 Information about James books here. Buy them on Amazon now.
24:55 His latest book The Lagoon: Encounters with the Whales of San Ignaciois out now! Buy it here: https://www.amazon.com/Lagoon-Encounters-Whales-San-Ignacio/dp/163576842X
Vanishing Tales from Ancient Trails
Tears, Fears and Adventure https://www.amazon.com/Tears-Adventure-James-Michael-Dorsey/dp/1591138930
29:07 A great baboon story here!
