Today we talk to Yvette and learn how she is grabbing retirement by the horns and riding it for all it's worth. She even has her own website and date to "Seize the Day". We think we could all learn somethings from this "Go Getter"!

Show Notes
00:39 A life lesson from Curt's book Fix the Problem and Other Life Lessons from a Pragmatic Dad. You can get it here:
02:34 Yvette is an Agile Coach. You can learn about that program here:
04:54 Carpe Diem Day is February 26! Mark your calendars now! Yvette's special day is explained here:
07:30 Yvette talks about how this day defines her and her Carpe Diem life.
10:24 How do you get to have a national "special" day? Yvette explains here:
11:04 Check out her website and FB page Carpe Diem Connections Facebook community
15:35 60 by 60. Yvette challenged herself to finish 60 projects before her 60th birthday! I loved this so much that I have copied one of her projects myself! What is this project? Create a playlist with my friends and family's favorite song!
23:20 Yvette talks about Meow Wolf . Find out about the immersive art project here:
31:50 Yvette talks more about the philosophy behind Agile here:
