Everyone told us how wonderful becoming a grandparent was...and we were waiting patiently! Our perfect Sunny Faye arrived right on schedule this January to her thankful parents and entire family. There is nothing that compares to this new stage of our retirement and we are so thankful to be able to join the grandparents group. This podcast is not about our beautiful ray of sunshine...but about grandparenting in retirement. So many of our retired friends are grandparents and many others are wonderful grandparent stand ins! We salute you all. It definitely takes a village!
Show Notes
00:53 A life lesson from Curt's book Fix the Problem and Other Life Lessons from a Pragmatic Dad. You can find it here: https://www.amazon.com/Fix-Problem-other-Lessons-Pragmatic/dp/1091400830/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=
04:20 Grandparenting statistics are found here.
07:35 Can you spoil grandchildren? What does research say about this very popular saying.
09:40 We know grandparents are role models. What does the research say about this statement?
13:14 How much money do grandparents spend on their grandchildren? Find out here!
15:00 Who is the average grandparent?
16:50 Grandparents raising their grandchildren. Hear about the statistics here.
Sunny Faye, GiGi and Papa love you....and your parents.