Today we talk to Karen Walker Vaughn about the wonderful repositioning cruise she and her husband, Ken, planned. Repositioning cruises are a amazing way to cruise differently, see new places, and still relax with the comforts of cruising . This couple loved every minute of their trip and are ready to go again! Come along and learn about the wonderful trip they experienced.
Show Notes
00:41 Curt's life lesson from his book Fix the Problem and Other Life Lessons From a Pragmatic Dad. You can get it here: https://www.amazon.com/Fix-Problem-other-Lessons-Pragmatic/dp/1091400830/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=
04:22 Karen explains what a repositioning cruise is to us.
05:24 Learn more about Royal Caribbean Transatlantic cruising here! https://www.royalcaribbean.com/transatlantic-transpacific-cruises
06:51 Karen talks about cruising for 8-10 days without seeing land here.
08:11 Karen discusses the cruise credits and Roya Caribbean's Next Cruise deals and the airport connections.
11:48 Repositioning cruises have all the perks and entertainment you experience on a cruise.
13:24 Karen talks about their favorite cruise activities.
15:31 We learn about "My Time Dining" experience.
17:32 We hear about the ports in Spain. Learn more about these cities here: https://www.royalcaribbean.com/cruise-to/malaga-spain?&country=USA
18:46 Karen loved Malaga, Spain. She talks about this welcoming city here.
22:05 Next stop, France. Karen talks about the ports they visited here: https://www.royalcaribbean.com/aus/en/cruise-to/provence-toulon-france?country=AUS
27:00 Karen discusses their future cruising plans.
31:00 Karen talks about their "don't sit too soon" retired life.