This is a great episode folks! Today we make podcast history!!!! At least, we think we do! Why? Today we interview Mark Greenberg as he is riding his bicycle across the nation! This interview takes place with us talking to him as he pedals down the road! What fun!!!! Mark is a great example of retiredish!!!!! Maybe after this ride he will start the real thing! No matter what, he was a great guest and we totally loved our time spent with him!
Show Notes
01:51 A life lesson from Curt's book Fix The Problem and Other Life Lessons From a Pragmatic Dad. You can get it here:
02:31 Co Pilot. A travel supplement that makes travel better. You can learn about that here:
Warm Showers is the organization we belong to that supports cyclists traveling across the world. Learn about and join this great organization here:
07:10 Mark tells us how long this trip is going to be and from where he took off from.
08:12 More Warm Showers information here.
10:40 Mark tells us about his gear, bike, and what he travels with on his trip. His bike is a Gunnar. Learn about these great touring bikes here:
20:00 Technology on the ride looks like this.
22:57 What his average day looks like on this adventure.
24:12 We learn about his only "near miss" here. A very scary moment here explained.